Datatex and Tekstildata d.o.o. has promoted a project with The College of Textile Design, Technology and Management in Belgrade
ENGLISH Datatex, the world's leading supplier of IT software solutions to the global textile and apparel industry, with his subsidiary Tekstildata d.o.o. has promoted a project with The College of Textile Design, Technology and Management in Belgrade. They signed an agreement on cooperation whose main objective is to enable high-quality professional practice to students during the exercises and to prepare students in the best way to work in a real environment that awaits them after graduation. ITALIAN Datatex, Leader internazionale nella fornitura di sistemi informativi per le aziende tessili e dell’abbigliamento, insieme alla sua filiale serba Tekstildata d.o.o. è promotrice di un progetto presso il “College of Textile Design, Technology and Management” di Belgrado. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di istruire gli studenti della scuola e prepararli nel modo migliore per affrontare il mercato del lavoro dopo la laurea. Datatex ha messo a dispo...