Datatex announces the launch of our new CRM offering based on the integration of NOW/TIM to Vtiger open source CRM tool.
Connect contacts, campaigns and communication with prospects to NOW.
Base contacts, campaigns and communications on current business managed by NOW.
Datatex has now integrated V-tiger to the NOW contact book, customer masters, sales and invoicing along with full integration to the user's mail server and office suite.
Calls can now be managed scheduled and tracked on line, resulting in automatic alerts and attention notices.

New contacts are created in the CRM module and when needed automatically transferred to NOW customer masters.
All communication to and from customer can now be viewed and available on-line including NOW generated documents such as invoices, order confirmation and ship notes, mail interchange and letters sent.
Your Marketing team can now use one screen to:
Create new sales campaigns extracting selected customers by NOW Datatex
- Manage mailing lists and track responses.
- Track and schedule calls , visits and mails
- Access all contact communication and orders from one point
- Manage real time on-line dashboard
- Application is web based so accessed anywhere from everywhere, once authorization is established.
- Create new customers and contacts automatically available in the ERP modules.

Integration module, set up and training available from datatex and our partners.
Call us to schedule a web demo ASAP.
Increase, manage and improve marketing to sale rations, call us NOW.
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